When we planned the trip for the Out of Office documentary series, we knew we wanted to explore smaller towns across the U.S. While we had Portland and Seattle mapped out, we also aimed to capture life outside the hustle and bustle of the big cities. That's when AYUSA Executive Director Debra Slagle suggested McMinnville, Oregon.

As we pulled into McMinnville in our oversized RV, we were immediately taken by its small-town charm: endless mom-and-pop stores, a refreshing lack of chain restaurants and coffee shops, and we immediately felt the vibrant community atmosphere. A banner hanging on the main drag caught our eye. It read 'UFO Festival.' Unfortunately, the festival had happened the week before. Dang. Maybe next year.

We had come to McMinnville to visit the high school and chat with the registrar, Roseanne Roberts. Over the years, McMinnville High has hosted over 260 exchange students from all over the world. Roseanne welcomed us warmly and gave us a tour of the school. The facilities were truly impressive—a fully built-out culinary arts kitchen, a robotics lab lined with trophies, a welding shop showcasing incredible fabrications, and of course, a top-notch woodshop.

Roseanne shared her experiences with exchange students over the years (watch the full episode to hear more). We also ran into one of our AYUSA community representatives, Hope Walter, who told us all about her end-of-year trip with her group of exchange students up in the beautiful Oregon mountains. Is this foreshadowing for episode 3? Stay tuned!
As we wrapped up our visit, Roseanne mentioned that the town’s mayor, Remy Drabkin, was a McMinnville High alum and now owned and operated a local winery. What better way to end the day than with a glass of wine and a chat with the town’s most famous graduate?

Remy eagerly shared her memories of McMinnville High, from the fond to the challenging, all of which shaped her growth (watch Remy's interview in our latest episode, live now!). Her perspective on the town, school, travel, and cultural exchange was fascinating and eye-opening.
As much as we loved McMinnville, it was time to hit the road again. Follow our journey by subscribing to our YouTube channel and podcast!
To learn more about hosting an exchange student, or becoming an exchange student, visit www.ayusa.org.
Written by Nick Testa